ICOA, AmigaSoc and Amiga, Inc. to Hold Seminars at WOA Hammersmith

ICOA in co-operation with AmigaSoc UKand Amiga, Inc. will be holding a set of technical and non technical seminars. These are designed to encourage the spread of knowledge and information throughout the Amiga developer community.

We ask any developer or technically gifted user who wishes to provide a seminar to contact us immediately. Whilst we understand that public speaking can be intimidating, and many people have precious little spare time as it is, we do ask if people can make a special effort. The very thing that makes the community so special is that we all give to it. We will personally buy every tutor a pint of decent beer to show our appreciation (lager drinkers need not apply).

ICOA members can get into the seminars free of charge as a benefit of membership. Other developers and users will be charged a nominal fee to try to cover any additional costs incurred.

All seminars require prebooking, either via E-Mail or on the day. Please sign up early to avoid disappointment.

Many thanks,

Andrew Elia

                     Only AmigaSoc makes it possible!
          andrew@uk.amigasoc.org    |    http://uk.amigasoc.org

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