National Amiga Offers Amiga Technical Information

Not a day has gone by this year without someone telling me that a reference on my technical pages is broken. Unfortunately there just hasn't been enough time in the day to get to the tech pages and scan them for faults until recently.

I have spent the last day updating the technical reference pages at National Amiga. I have gone through each one individually and corrected all the broken links and missing files.

If there is anything else that is missing, or broken, please email me directly telling me where the broken link is and I will make an attempt to fix it right away.

All technical pages should be referenced from and NOT directly to their links. These links are still in a state of transistion and their filenames will change from time to time.

If anyone has any technical documents they would like to add to the reference pages, please submit them to me. We will host them locally and make them available to the online search engine, as well as credit you for the submission.

Greg Scott
ARCHTECH Incorporated

National Amiga
A Division of ARCHTECH Incorporated
111 Waterloo St. #101
London, Ontario
Phone: 519-858-8760
Fax: 519-858-8762

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