From: (Dr. Peter Kittel) Subject: Re: I-Glasses Info? Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc,comp.sys.amiga.programmer Reply-To: Lines: 481 Date: 14 Sep 95 00:47:52 MEZ In article <42jlv6$> (Oliver -IR- Brunner) writes: > >In article <42j5g4$>, (Dan Thies) writes: >|> Does anyone have any kind of information on how the I-Glasses will >|> interface to the Amiga, or have any contact info (email, etc.) for the >|> developers of this product? > >Dr. Peter Kittel postet some details a while ago. Yes, I did in c.s.a.programmer, but I fear it didn't really reach the whole world. So I took the freedom to repost it below *and* crosspost it to .misc, because there my postings obviously get through... >|> I have heard that the glasses will connect to the serial port, One part of the, the "head tracker", which gives you angular info about the orientation of your head in space. >|> but I am >|> hoping that this is just another bad rumor. The video part connects to a composite output. >|> Using the serial port means >|> that no modem can be attached when the glasses are in use. For many applications, the head tracker is not essential. I think, using the serial port is a big advantage, because you avoid having a much more expensiver extra interface on a card or in a separate box! >The glasses are connected to the RGB-out of your Amiga. No, composite. > There is a >NTSC-Version and a (not finished?) PAL Version. It's now available. > An interlaced >View is displayed on the glasses, one frame on one eye. >(In my opinion this will bloody flicker .. :) Not on an LCD :-). Begin of repost (Ok, there are small updates :-). Sorry for the length, but with this, you get practically the *full* information you need to program it. You don't need more, it *is* so easy! ===================================================================== Perhaps some people already have heard about this new, fancy product. i-glasses! by company Virtual I-O in Seattle are a new and affordable way into 3d, or Cyberspace, if you want. For Europe, we have set up a sister company named Virtual Products, residing together with Amiga Technologies under the same roof in Bensheim. There are two parts: The main one are the glasses themselves, a color LCD for every eye, independent ones. Provided with the right signals, you will see real 3D effects. - The other part is called Head Tracker and is a position (or better angular) detector for your head to enable real-time looking around in space or do cursor-like movements by head movements. - Also mounted to the glasses are stereo headphones. To provide the right signals for the glasses is nearly trivial. They take a fully standard composite video signal (one wire, plus two others for stereo sound) as input. Thus there are PAL and NTSC versions of the glasses. The NTSC versions already exist, the PAL versions are also now shipping. As the video signal is standard, it is always interlaced. And then the even lines (or one half field) go to the right LCD and the odd lines (the other field) to the left (or the other way round, you can choose with a switch a the set, so you don't have to worry during programming). This way of coding is also called "field sequential". When I had the first PAL glasses in my hand and tried my first own software, my experience was: You have to make the effect much more drastic than I thought. For the nearest point to the face I chose on a HiRes screen 15 pixels horizontal spacing. This is far too little I learnt: If a pixel is infinitely far away, its two field pixels should be a quarter screen apart horizontally, when the pixels gets nearer, the field pixels get nearer to each other and cross finally. Assume that the view angle is only ca. 40 degrees. Another hint for programming: The resolution is rather low, something like 268 x 230 (don't have more concrete figures, sorry). The head tracker part is a bit more complicated, I'll quote below the data provided to me by Virtual I-O. >Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 01:58:14 -0700 (PDT) >Subject: Head Tracker Specs I tried to format the text the way it is in the developer's kit, but my mail program created a mess of it. The fax line has been busy, so hopefully this e-mail will work. Contents Introduction Basic Tracker orientation Communicating with the host computer Using the i-glasses! Tracker The i-glasses! Tracker command set Virtual i-O Tracker Modes Mode 0: Raw data mode Data packet format for mode 0 (Binary) Data packet format for mode 0 (ASCII) Send mode for data mode 0 Mode 1: Cooked data mode Data packet format for mode 1 (Binary) Data packet format for mode 1 (ASCII) Send mode for data mode 1 Mode 2: Euler angles mode Data packet format for mode 2 (Binary) Data packet format for mode 2 (ASCII) Send mode for data mode 2 Emulation Modes Mode3: Microsoft mouse emulation mode Mode 4: CyberMaxx emulation mode Examples Modes for terminal debugging Modes useful for applications Emulation modes Mouse mode Sample Code Notes: Introduction The i-glasses! Tracker, available exclusively from Virtual i-0 Corporation, sends yaw, pitch, and roll information to a host computer. This information is then available to application software for creating immersive, head-tracking, real-time stereoscopic 3D simulations called virtual reality. Basic Tracker orientation All orientation descriptions are from the perspective of someone actually wearing the Tracker: Positive yaw is defined as a left head rotation. Positive pitch is an upward head tilt. Positive roll is a left head tilt. The coordinate system used is +Y up, +Z out, and +X right (The positive axes can be formed with the right-hand index, middle finger, and thumb: a right-handed coordinate system. See Computer Graphics, principles and practice, by Foley et al for more inf ormation on coordinate systems). creating immersive, head-tracking, real-t ime stereoscopic 3D simulations called virtual reality. Basic Tracker orientation All orientation descriptions are from the perspective of someone actually wearing the Tracker: Positive yaw is defined as a left head rotation. Positive pitch is an upward head tilt. Positive roll is a left head tilt. The coordinate system used is +Y up, +Z out, and +X right (The positive axes can be formed with the right-hand index, middle finger, and thumb: a right-handed coordinate system. See Computer Graphics, principles and practice, by Foley et al for more inf ormation on coordinate systems). Communicating with the host computer The Tracker communicates with the host computer via an RS-232C 3-wire serial interface (TXD, RXD, GND). The Tracker can run at 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200 bps. The Tracker can be queried and tested using a standard ASCII terminal program. All commands are printable ASCII strings, and provide feedback to tell the application if a command was successfully processed. All commands (except 'S') begin with a '!' (Attention) and end with a carriage return (Hex D). The Tracker responds with an ' O' for OK or an 'E' for an Error. The 'S' (Send data) command requests the Tracker to send data to the host. In this case, only the requested data is returned, and a time-out check must be used to determine if an error occurred. Protected mode applications will need a bi-modal serial handler. A bi-modal serial handler for Watcom C/C++ is provided on the developer kit disk. Using the i-glasses! Tracker The Tracker must be initialized to a known state before an application can begin using the Tracker. Since the Tracker may be in a continuous streaming mode and at any of six supported bps rates, the host must send a reset command until successful. This will give the Tracker time to stop sending data and to change its communications rate if necessary. After the Tracker has been successfully reset, the host must put the Tracker into the appropriate mode for the application (polled, streaming, ASCII, bina ry, etc.). For emulation purposes, the Tracker retains its last operating modes (data mode, send mode, and send format) when it was powered off. All applications that directly support the Tracker must set and verify the operating modes on initial startu p. The i-glasses! Tracker command set All commands to the Tracker are printable ASCII characters. Each command (except 'S') is terminated with a carriage return (Hex D). Result codes, 'O' and 'E' are ASCII 'O' and 'E'. Tracker orientation data is sent to the host in either ASCII or binary. The serial protocol is one start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. Command Description !R Resets the Tracker to the default state: cooked, polled, binary mode. All applications should put the Tracker into Cooked, Euler, or an emulation mode before requesting orientation data. !V Get the Tracker revision string. This allows future revisions of the protocol to work as applications will know what version of the hardware they are talking to. The string format is: M<16 chars>P<16 chars>T<8 chars> where M is for Manufacturer followed by a 16 character ID string, P is for Product code followed by a 16 character product code or serial number, T defines product Type, H is for Hardware revision followed by a C format "%07.3f" revision string, and F is for Firmware revision with the same C format string. An 'O' or an 'E' is appended to the end of the returned string to indicate whether an internal self test has passed or failed. !M,,[,,][,,] Tells the Tracker to change data mode, send mode, send format, and filter modes, and is terminated with a carriage return (Hex D). Data modes are '0'-'4'. Send modes are 'P' for polled, 'C' for Continuous, and '0'-'1' in mouse mode. Send formats are 'A' for ASCII and 'B' for Binary. Filter ranges are '0' for none, and '7' for maximum. These parameters must be sent all at once, separated by commas, and in the defined order. Filter modes and mouse parameters are the only optional commands and shouldn't be set by the application, but rather by the Tracker manager software. If they are set by the application, the user must be able to change them. If the optional mouse parameters are set, the filter parameters must also be specified. The mouse sensitivity and threshold settings are fully described in the mouse emulation section. Only Tracker manager software should set mouse settings. S Tells the Tracker to send a packet of orientation data. In continuous modes, 'S' starts the stream. When a '!' is sent, the stream stops and the command is processed. '!' followed by a carriage return can be used to stop the stream. Virtual i-O Tracker Modes Mode 0: raw data mode The Tracker sends raw data readings from the sensors. The numeric format is 12 bits unsigned (0..4095) stored in 16-bits for all values. This mode is most useful for debugging the hardware. Data packet format for mode 0 (binary) The total packet size is 12 bytes. The byte format is: Byte Description 0 Header (always 255) 1 X-axis high byte 2 X-axis low byte 3 Y-axis high byte 4 Y-axis low byte 5 Z-axis high byte 6 Z-axis low byte 7 Pitch high byte 8 Pitch low byte 9 Roll high byte 10 Roll low byte 11 Arithmetic checksum (Bytes 0-10 added together) Data packet format for mode 0 (ASCII) The data is transmitted in the preceding form in ASCII hex with spaces separating each two byte ASCII hex value. This is for debugging only. Send mode for data mode 0 The send modes for data mode 0 are 'P' for Polled and 'C' for Continuous. In continuous mode, a '!' command stops the stream and the 'S' command restarts it. To read data in continuous mode, the application searches for a start header (255). Once f ound, the rest of the packet must be read in, the checksum computed and compared to the packet's checksum. If the checksums don't match, the application must reread the data one byte beyond where it last found a 255 and start the process over again. Alt ernatively, the application can stop the stream with a '!', pause a few character send times, flush its read buffers, then send an 'S' and begin reading the stream. All raw modes should not be used for commercial applications. They are for factory debugging only. Mode 1: Cooked data mode The Tracker scales the magnetic vector, centering it about the zero, and linearizes the tilt sensor readings based on internal factory calibration constants. This is the mode to use when performing the angle computation on the host. The data format is s igned 16-bit words. The x, y, and z magnetometer readings are approximately +/- 16384 (This varies with the Earth's magnetic field). The pitch and roll readings are converted to linear values where +16384 = 180 degrees and -16384 = - 180 degrees. To convert to floating point: degrees = (float)reading/16384.0*180.0. A provided C library routine converts the cooked data values into yaw, pitch, and roll. Data packet format for mode 1 (Binary) The total packet size is 12 bytes. The byte format is: Byte Description 0 Header (always 255) 1 X-axis high byte 2 X-axis low byte 3 Y-axis high byte 4 Y-axis low byte 5 Z-axis high byte 6 Z-axis low byte 7 Pitch high byte 8 Pitch low byte 9 Roll high byte 10 Roll low byte 11 Arithmetic checksum (Bytes 0-10 added together) Data packet format for mode 1 (ASCII) The data is transmitted in the preceding form in ASCII hex with spaces separating each two byte ASCII hex value. This is for debugging only. Send mode for data mode 1 The send modes for data mode 1 are 'P' for Polled and 'C' for Continuous. In continuous mode, a '!' command stops the stream and the 'S' command restarts it. To read data in continuous mode, the application searches for a start header (255). Once f ound, the rest of the packet must be read in, the checksum computed and compared to the packet's checksum. If the checksums don't match, the application must reread the data one byte beyond where it last found a 255 and start the process over again. Alt ernatively, the application can stop the stream with a '!', pause a few character send times, flush its read buffers, then send an 'S' and begin reading the stream. Continuous mode is not recommended for commercial applications (error recovery is dif ficult and serial interrupts and CPU cycles are wasted). Mode 2: Euler angles mode The Tracker sends yaw, pitch, and roll angles. The data format for yaw, pitch, and roll is a signed 16-bit word, where +16384 = 180 degrees, and -16384 = -180 degrees. Data packet format for mode 2 (Binary) The total packet size is 8 bytes. The byte format is: Byte Description 0 Header (always 255) 1 Yaw high byte 2 Yaw low byte 3 Pitch high byte 4 Pitch low byte 5 Roll high byte 6 Roll low byte 7 Arithmetic checksum (Bytes 0-6 added together) Data packet format for mode 2 (ASCII) The data is transmitted in the preceding form in ASCII hex with spaces separating each two byte ASCII hex value. This is for debugging only. Send mode for data mode 2 The send modes for data mode 2 are 'P' for Polled and 'C' for Continuous. In continuous mode, a '!' command stops the stream and 'S' command restarts it. To read data in continuous mode, the application searches for a start header (255). Once found, th e rest of the packet must be read in, the checksum computed and compared to the packet's checksum. If the checksums don't match, the application must reread the data one byte beyond where it last found a 255 and start the process over again. Alternative ly, the application can stop the stream with a '!', pause a few character send times, flush its read buffers, then send an 'S' and begin reading the stream. Continuous mode is not recommended for commercial applications (error recovery is difficult a nd serial interrupts and CPU cycles are wasted). Emulation Modes Mode 3: Microsoft mouse emulation mode When in binary mode and communicating with a mouse device driver, this mode operates at 1200 bps and simulates a 7 bit data byte (with 1 stop and 1 start) by always sending the last data bit as a simulated stop bit. The output format is defined by the Mic rosoft mouse data format (3 byte format). While operating in mouse mode, X is determined by a scaled yaw angle calculation. Y is determined by a scaled pitch angle sensing. Send mode 0 for mouse mode This mode sends values like a mouse. Delta values are sent as long as the Tracker moves. The size of the deltas depends on how far the Tracker has moved. Send mode 1 for mouse mode When the Tracker is first initialized into this mode, a reference position is taken. Any movement away from this reference position results in deltas being continuously sent until the Tracker is moved back to within the threshold near the reference posit ion. The size of the deltas depends on how far away the Tracker is moved from the reference position. Sensitivity and mouse mode mickey values One X mickey is 1/4 degree change in yaw and one Y mickey is 1 degree change in pitch for a sensitivity of 1. As sensitivity increases, the change per degree increases. Thus, a sensitivity of 2 represents 1/2 degree change in yaw, etc. A sensitivity of 0 can be used to disable X or Y mickeys. For example, DOOM works best with the Y axi s disabled, where yaw causes the head to turn and pitch has no effect. The range for sensitivity is 0-9. Mouse threshold settings The threshold settings determine how far the Tracker has to move before a packet is sent. If the threshold is low, a movement in the Tracker will result in packets being sent frequently (small mickey counts sent frequently). If the threshold is high, th e Tracker must move farther before a packet is sent (large mickey counts sent infrequently). The threshold is related to sensitivity in that the movement values are first adjusted by sensitivity before being compared to the threshold settings. The thres hold range is 0-9. Mode 4: CyberMaxx emulation mode [Not yet implemented] Examples Modes for terminal debugging !M0,P,A,0,0 Raw polled mode, ASCII, no filtering. !M0,C,A,0,0 Raw continuous mode, ASCII, no filtering. Modes useful for applications !M1,P,B Cooked polled mode, binary, filtering not changed. !M1,P,B,0,0 Cooked polled mode, binary, no filtering. !M1,P,B,3,3 Cooked polled mode, binary, medium filtering. !M1,P,B,7,7 Cooked polled mode, binary, full filtering. !M2,P,B,3,3 Euler polled mode, binary, medium filtering. Emulation modes Mouse mode !M3,P,A,0,0 Mouse mode, polled, ASCII, no filtering. This is for debugging only. !M3,C,A,0,0 Mouse mode, continuous, ASCII, no filtering. Transmits only when the mouse moves. For debugging only. !M3,C,B,3,3 Mouse mode, continuous (whenever the mouse moves), binary, medium filtering. For true mouse emulation, this command must be sent at 1200 bps to put the Tracker into 1200 bps mode. Sample Code /* test.c: Simple program that prints data to the screen. */ /* Uses src\simple\vstrack1.lib. See the devkit disk for more info. */ /* Created 2/17/95 */ /* John Schultz */ #include #include #include #include #include "vstrack1.h" void main(int argc,char ** argv) { TrackerData td; TrackerStatus ts; ts = initTracker(&td,TP_COM1,9600,timerSecs(2)); printf("%s.\n",trackerInfo(ts)); if (ts != TS_OK) { closeTracker(&td); exit(0); } // if ts = sendTrackerCMD(&td,"!M1,P,B\r",timerSecs(2)); if (ts != TS_OK) { printf("%s.\n",trackerInfo(ts)); closeTracker(&td); exit(0); } // if requestTrackerData(&td); while (1) { float y,p,r; if (kbhit() && getch() == 'q') break; ts = readTracker(&td,timerSecs(1)); if (ts != TS_OK) { printf("\n%s.\n",trackerInfo(ts)); resetTracker(&td,timerTSecs(1)); } // if requestTrackerData(&td); y = TOFLOAT(td.euler.y); p = TOFLOAT(td.euler.x); r = TOFLOAT(td.euler.z); printf("x %6ld y %6ld z %6ld y %6.2f p %6.2f r %6.2f\n", td.magnetic.x,td.magnetic.y,td.magnetic.z,y,p,r); } // while closeTracker(&td); } // main /* test.c */ (end of quote) The details about tracker programming are an excerpt of the i-glasses! Developers Kit. This kit consists of a PC version of the glasses, docs, and a CD with examples and costs $1000. There will be also a version of the kit with the developer material only for ca. $50 (Also the PC version of the kit comes with a CD with 10 games.) You can purchase this kit directly from Virtual-io in Seattle (address next time). You also can get such material from their ftp site:, look into outgoing/docs and especially the file webdev.doc there. To give you an idea what the glasses products are aside from the Amiga: There is a VCR version which is made for a WalkMan-like VCR and is just the glasses connected to this VCR. The second product is the "PC" version. It's much more expensive, because it also contains a VGA-to-composite conversion box, and the Head Tracker. The Amiga version of this product is not yet defined precisely. This is because it depends on which Amiga you use, for the A1200 you need only the glasses and the Head Tracker without that conversion box of the PC version. For the A4000, you would need some Composite modulator or similar, perhaps we have to produce again something like the A520, this is not yet clear, sorry. But anyway, for the Amiga, the kit will probably contain the glasses and the Head Tracker, which connects directly to the serial Amiga interface. So you don't need that VGA-to-composite conversion so that the Amiga version should become significantly cheaper than the PC version and end up somewhere in the middle between the Video and the PC version (rough guess currently, no guarantee). -- Best Regards, Dr. Peter Kittel // Private Site in Frankfurt, Germany \X/ Email to: Now re-employed at Amiga Technologies GmbH in Bensheim, Germany Currently only rarely reachable via email and news, sorry.