The Temporary Steering Committee takes great pleasure in announcing the official formation of the Industry Council for Open Amiga (ICOA). The ICOA is a non-profit organization registered with the state of South Dakota in the United States, chartered for operations worldwide. We wish to take this opportunity to thank Amiga Incorporated for their invaluable legal and financial assistance in making this possible and look forward to working closely with them to bring the pleasure of using Amiga technology to millions of consumers around the globe.
There are still some administrative matters to be completed before the ICOA is fully in operation. We are committed to our our promise of a fully functional ICOA as soon as possible; therefore, within the next few days, a membership form will be available on the ICOA web site to allow individual developers and development companies to submit membership applications. These initial applications will be processed and assessed by the TSC (acting as a temporary membership committee) according to our Bylaws. No membership dues will be required until the financial foundation of the ICOA is in place. At that time all members will be given the option of paying their dues or leaving the ICOA.
We feel that this method will allow potential members to join and experience membership in the ICOA without the initial financial commitment. Of course, until dues are assesed, work on the ICOA-net and some services will be delayed.
We expect to begin processing membership applications by the February 1st. As soon the ICOA has 100 members, elections for the Steering Committee will begin. The elections will be run by the Election Working Group Manager, who will serve as the Election Officer for the first elections. The elections will consist of a two week nomination period, a two week campaign period for the nominees who accept their nominations and are placed on the ballot, followed by an election period lasting seven days. Our goal is to have a new Steering Committee by the St Louis Amiga show.
The method for selecting the user representative is being worked on and we hope to have our user representative in place by the time the dev elopers representatives are elected.
Please check the ICOA web site every few days for the membership form.