Cloanto Presents its Stylish Collection of T-Shirts at World of Amiga in London

On a hot summer day, while the rest of the industry was overloaded fixing Y2K bugs, Cloanto's Software & Dreams department took a day off to design a series of T-shirts.

Cloanto T-shirts were originally meant "for internal use only". However, it immediately became clear that people would do anything in order to get one. Very soon, Cloanto's software engineers could be seen in exotic beaches and elegant downtown squares around the world, offering T-shirts in exchange for antique computers, eternal friendship, sex and other mundane distractions...

Cloanto's Work, Work & Work department quickly became aware of the problem, and decided to look at new ways to make these T-shirts available to a larger public without diverting precious engineering resources. As a result, and only for two days and while supplies last, the entire collection of T-shirts will be available at the Weird Science stand, at the World of Amiga show in London (July 24-25, 1999).

Each T-shirt design features a different message written by human programmers and output by machines. The story behind each message is explained in detail at In true programmer fashion, the different T-shirt styles are numbered using hexadecimal notation ("0x...").

If you cannot make it to the World of Amiga show, but would like to be informed when we are ready for broader distribution, kindly let us know (email which T-shirt and size you prefer, and we will let you know when they are available!


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