The Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group


First of all, I'd like to welcome all new members. One of the things which will keep CUCUG getting better is the addition of new members, and we had quite a few of them last time: (in no particular order, they were:) Tom Fisher, David Stigberg, Stephen Ullom, Robert Ponterio, Willie Caddy, Mike Cline, Jack Garrett, E.D. Beam, R.G. Wengert, Guangda Ji, Eric Johnson, John Anderson, Max Crain, Dennis Beyer Mark Cheren, Mike Favre.

The February meeting will be a good place to bring interested friends, since it will mostly be a social meeting. We'd like to see as many people join as we can get, so bring along your computing friends!!

As I said, the February meeting will be a social meeting mostly. We will have a short (15 minutes or so) business meeting, and then we will have coffee, donuts, and soft drinks. This will be qa chance to meet everyone, visit the public domain library, do some program exchanging, and the like.

A reminder ... the doors at the Vet. Med. Basic Sciences Building will be closed and locked at 7:00pm ... so don't be late!! BE THERE BEFORE SEVEN O'CLOCK!! The meeting id on Friday, February 17th, at the Basic Sciences Bulding, same as last month.

We have a special interest group starting up ... those interested in machine language programming should talk to Mike Willis or Scott Burns at the meeting.

Help!! We need people to volunteer for the Program Committee. This committee will arrange presentations, guest speakers, etc.) This is your chance to really help, and to set up the kind of programs YOU are interested in. If you want to be chairman or just to be on the committee, contact Steve Gast.

Jeff Stevenson is still trying to sell his 1525 printer for $175.00. Any takers? Find him at the meeting.

COMMODORE COMPUTER CAMP, at Lincoln College, Lincoln, Illinois. This second camp, including such stars of the Commodore sky as Jim Butterfield, Jim Strasma, Debra Landre and Dick Immers will be held July 8 - July 13, 1984. Everyone who was there last year reports that it was a great success. If you are interested, information is available from Lincoln College, COntinuing Education and Programs Office, Lincoln, Illinois, 62656. (217) 732-3155, or check with me at the next meeting.

Brian Junker has offered to do tape to disk (or vice-versa) transfers for anyone who provides the media. Contact him at 217-356-2975 in the evening.

Remeber - be at the meeting on the 17th of February BEFORE 7PM or you will be locked out! See you there ...

(Enclosed you'll also find your copy of the Constitution and By-Laws.)

This newsletter prepared and edited by Marc J. Rosen, who is solely responsible for its contents.

Marc J. Rosen
1303 Dawn Road
Urbana, Illinois 61801

(217) 344-2794 evenings 6-10pm.